Friday, September 7, 2012

Living in 450 Sq Ft

We recently moved from our lovely 1800 sq ft townhouse to a 450 sq ft apartment. Size adjustment at its finest! My husband decided to go back to school for an MBA. We rented our townhouse sold as much furniture as we could and boxed up the rest. We brought only what our Subaru Tribeca could hold. Half of that went to things we had to bring such as, our baby and her very large car seat, her stroller, her pack’n’play, our clothes, and ourselves. From there it was a game of try to shove as much as we could into the car.

After three days of driving we arrived at our new home with no furniture, no beds, no curtains, no food, no towels, and a completely blank slate. I can happily say that after a month we finally feel like we have a home. It’s a work in progress of course, but things seem to being finding a home. I am now to a stage of trying to make things pretty and feel as much like “us” as we can do on a very small budget. Wish me luck!

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